
Studio di architettura in Roma.


IaN+ si costituisce nel 1997 e si scioglie nel 2015.

Nel 2006, con il progetto dei “laboratori di ricerca di Torvergata” vincono la Medaglia D’Oro all’Architettura Italiana come opera prima alla Triennale di Milano; nel 2010 sono selezionati per il Premio Internazionale di architettura sperimentale “Iakov Chernikhov”; nel 2011 con il progetto della scuola elementare “Maria Grazia Cutuli” vincono il Prix Spécial – Catégorie Enseignants dell’Ecole Special d’Architecture di Parigi. Con lo stesso progetto, nel 2012 ricevono menzione d’onore per il premio Zumtobel Award 2012 (categoria Built Environment) e sono tra i 5 finalisti del premio Aga Khan. Nel 2014 sono candidati alla Medaglia D’Oro all’Architettura Italiana IV edizione.

I progetti “la casa di Goethe”, “Fundaciò Mies van der Rohe New Headquarter” e “Microutopias” fanno parte della

collezione permanente del FRAC Centre (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain) di Orleans, che ospita progetti di architettura sperimentale dagli anni ’60 a oggi. Nel 2012 i modelli di “CheongNa City Tower” e “Emptiness” entrano a far parte della collezione del Museo MAXXI di Roma.

Hanno partecipato a numerosi concorsi nazionali e internazionali, vincendo diversi premi e menzioni tra i quali: la menzione d’onore nel concorso per il National Museum of Afghanistan (2012); primo premio nel concorso di Idee (prima fase) per l’Opera House di Busan in Korea (2011); primo premio per il “masterplan Ca D’oro” a Mestre (2010); la menzione d’onore per “CheongNa City Tower” a Incheon, Sud Corea (2008); il primo premio nel concorso “Rimesse in gioco” a Roma (2007); il secondo premio per il nuovo headquarter di Angelini a Roma (2006) e il terzo premio per il centro d’Arte Indre Sogn in Norvergia 2006); il primo premio del concorso internazionale del museo “Tittot Glass” a Taiwan (2004); il primo premio per il progetto del “parcheggio del Nuovo Salario” a Roma(2007); il secondo premio del concorso internazionale per il progetto di recupero delle banchine fluviali a Riga (2003), il primo premio per “ La Casa del futuro” (2004).

Sono tra gli studi invitati ai concorsi internazionali “Campidoglio 2 – La Casa dei Cittadini” a Roma (2007) sviluppato

insieme a Steven Holl Architects e “ Nuova Banca Centrale Europea” a Francoforte(2003). Nello stesso anno sono stati invitati al progetto di ricerca “HiperCatalunya”promossa dal governo della Catalogna.

Attualmente IaN+ ha in fase di realizzazione una piscina pubblica a Roma; due edifici del “Nuovo Ospedale del Mare” a Napoli,  “Next-Gene 20”  residenze a Taiwan; il Centro Nazionale Trapianti a Roma.

I loro progetti realizzati sono: la scuola elementare Maria Grazia Cutuli ad Herat, Afghanistan, progettata con Mario Cutuli, 2a + p/a , Ma0 (2010); l’intervento di spazio pubblico a Falcognana, Roma che nel masterplan include un sistema di piazze, un parco e due edifici pubblici per la comunità (2010); il progetto degli interni del parcheggio Cittadella di Verona (2010); i laboratori di ricerca dell’Università di Torvergata ( 2006) ; il recupero di tre piazze nella zona storica di Cocciano, a Frascati, Roma(2008); un padiglione a Seoul (2014).

IaN+ ha partecipato a diverse mostre tra le più significative: “Testify! The consequences of architecture” al NAi di Rotterdam (2011); alla Biennale di Venezia (2000, 2004, 2008, 2010) “Instant Urbanism” al SAM Swiss Architecture Museum di Basilea (2007); nello stesso anno sono stati invitati alla mostra “Holland-Italy – 10 Works of Architecture” al museo MAXXI di Roma, Biennale di San Paolo in Brasile (2008); Biennale di Londra (2006); “Talking Cities”, Biennale di Architettura di Pechino (2004), e ArchiLab (2000, 2001, 2002) laboratorio internazionale di Architettura Sperimentale; Architopia, Biennal Utopia, a Cascais, Portogallo(2001).

“IaN+_Modelli di architettura 1997-2005” alla fondazione Adriano Olivetti di Roma, è stata la prima mostra personale (2006); nello stesso anno sono invitati alla mostra “P.A.N. (Progressive Architecture Network)” presso la Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York. Nel 2007 hanno tenuto una personale al FRAC Centre d’ Orleans “IaN+ Nouvelle écologie des systèmes vivants”(2007); Nel 2010 una nuova mostra personale alla British School at Rome “London -Rome: work in progress”.

Nel 2009 sono stati invitati al colloquio internazionale sull’architettura “L’Enjeu Capital(es) – Les Métropole de la Grand Échelle” al Centre Pompidou di Parigi.

Progetti e articoli sul loro lavoro sono stati pubblicati su diverse riviste italiane e straniere e hanno insegnato sia in Italia che all’estero .

Una loro raccolta di testi è pubblicata nel libro Modelli IaN+ ( LIBRIA Melfi 2010), in “Cinque Studi” (Editrice Librerie Dedalo Roma 2000); “Odissea Digitale” (testo&immagine 2004 I loro progetti sono raccolti in diverse monografie:“IaN+ interferenze con il reale” (Edilstampa Roma 2004), “Microinfrastructure” (Damdi Publisher Seoul 2004),“IaN+ – New Ecology” (AADCU Publication Pechino/Cina 2007).

IaN+ was set up in 1997 and closed in 2015.

They have been participating to many national and internationalarchitectural competitions, gaining prizes and mentions.

Their projects have been selected for many exhibitions in Italy and abroad: ArchiLab 2000, ArchiLab 2001 and ArchiLab 2002, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th International Exhibition and Conference for Architecture in Orléans, France, a yearly meeting for the international community of architects working on experimental projects; Architopia, Biennal Utopia, International Exhibition for Architecture in Cascais, Portugal; they presented their work at the Venice Biennale in 2000, 2004 and 2008. In1999 IaN+ was invited to show its work at the Biennale for Young Artists in Rome where they hold a workshop on design and in 2004 at the first Beijing Biennale of Architecture and in 2007 to the exhibit Instant Urbanism at Swiss Museum of Architecture in Basel and to the Brazilian Architecture Biennale in San Paolo.

IaN+ Models of Architecture 1997-2005, at the Adriano Olivetti Foundation, was the first solo exhibition in Rome; in 2006 they were among the five invited firms at the exhibit P.A.N. (Progressive Architecture Network), at the Frederieke Taylor Gallery in New York, and itinerant show which then

moved to Florence and Lubjana and then it will be in Paris and Graz. On March 2007 they unveiled their first solo show at Frac centre in Orléans, IaN+ Nouvelle écologie des systèmes vivants, and in May 2007 were among the five Italian firms invited to the Holland-Italy – 10 Works of Architecture exhibit at MAXXI Museum in Rome. Their projects, “The house of Goethe” and “Fundaciò Mies van der Rohe New Headquarter” and “Microutopias” are integrated into the permanent collection of FRAC Centre (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain) which features experimental projects of architecture from the sixties until today and organizes exhibitions in various cities around in the world.

In 2006, with the “Tor Vergata University research laboratories”, they won the Italian Architecture Gold Medal for the first realized work; in 2010 they are selected for the International Iakov Chernikhov Prize of Experimental Architecture; in 2011 the “Maria Grazia Cutuli” primary school won the Prix Spécial – Catégorie Enseignants dell’Ecole Special d’Architecture, Paris and received a honorable mention in the category Built Environment for the Zumtobel Award 2012 and they are finalist for the Aga Khan Award for Architecure 2012 and Italian Architecture Gold Medal 2012.

Their projects, “The house of Goethe”, “Fundaciò Mies van der Rohe New Headquarter” and “Microutopias” are part of the permanent collection of Orléans FRAC Centre (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain), which features experimental architectural projects. In 2012 the projects “CheongNa City Tower” and “Emptiness” are integrated into the permanent collection of Rome MAXXI Museum (Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo).

They have been participating to many national and international architectural competitions, gaining several prizes.

Among them: they won the first prize for the competition Busan Opera House (first stage 2011) and an honorable mention for the National Museum of Afghanistan (2012); they won the first prize for “Social Housing Masterplan Cà D’oro – Mestre” in Venice (2010); they received an honorable mention for the “CheongNa City Tower” in Incheon, South Korea(2008). They won the international competition’s for the residential development of “Pigneto Bus deposits conversion” in Rome (2007); the second prize for the “Angelini New Headquarter” in Rome (2006) and the third prize for the “Indre Sogn Arts Centre” in Norway(2006); they obtained the first prize for the “Tittot Glass Museum” international competition in Taipei, Taiwan-ROC (2004); the first prize for “Parking building at Nuovo Salario railway station” in Rome (2007); the second prize for the international competition “New Ideas for the Daugava River Embankment” in Riga-Latvia (2003). They won the national competition the “House of the Future” (2004) and the national competition for “Park Lodges” in EUR quarter, Rome (2002) and in the same year they were invited and won the national competition for a pavilion inside the Salone del Restauro in Ferrara.

They were among the invited teams: to the international competition “Campidoglio 2 – La Casa dei Cittadini” in Rome (2007), developed in team with Steven Holl Architects; to the competition for the “New European Central Bank” in Frankfurt (2003) and in the same year  they were invited to the international strategic planning research “HiperCatalunya”, promoted by the Catalan Government, where they presented “SportCity”, investigating sport as a territorial development strategy.

Currently IaN+ is involved in the construction of a Public Swimming Pool in Rome; two buildings of “Ospedale del Mare” in Naples; the international project “Next-Gene 20” in Taiwan; an Office Building CNT in Rome. Therefore, some interior design projects are under construction. Their built projects are: “Maria Grazia Cutuli” Primary School in Herat, Afganistan (designed with Mario Cutuli, 2a + p/a and Ma0); an urban intervention in Falcognana (Rome), whose masterplan includes a system of squares, a park and two public buildings (2010); the interior design of the Cittadella Multi-storey Underground Parking in Verona (2010); the Research Laboratories for Tor Vergata University in Rome (2006); three Squares in Cocciano-Frascati (Rome 2008).

In 2014 they were selected for the Venice Biennale at the Italian Pavillion.

IaN+ projects have been selected for many exhibitions all around the world.

Among them, “Testify! The consequences of architecture” at NAi Rotterdam(2011); the Venice Biennale (2000, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2014); “Instant Urbanism” at Swiss Museum of Architecture in Basel (2007); the Brazilian Architecture Biennale in San Paolo (2007); the London Biennale of Architecture( 2006); “Talking Cities”. In 2004 they exhibit at the first Beijing Biennale of Architecture and at ArchiLab (2000, 2001, 2002) in Orléans (France); Architopia, Biennal Utopia, International Exhibition for Architecture in Cascais, Portugal(2000).

“IaN+_Models of Architecture 1997-2005”, at the Adriano Olivetti Foundation Rome, was the first solo exhibition in Rome (2006); in the same year they were invited at “P.A.N. (Progressive Architecture Network)”, guested in Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York.

In 2007 they had a solo show at FRAC Centre in Orléans: “IaN+ Nouvelle écologie des systèmes vivants”; they were invited to the “Holland-Italy – 10 Works of Architecture” exhibition at MAXXI Museum in Rome. In 2009 “The British School at Rome” organized the IaN+ solo exhibition “London – Rome: work in progress”.

Parallel to their design production, they are also involved in publications and debates on architecture. In 2009 they are invited to the international colloquium on architecture “L’Enjeu Capital(es) – Les Métropole de la Grand Échelle” at Centre Pompidou, Paris.

Projects and articles have been published on various magazines, and in catalogues.

They were invited to the international Symposium “Italian Collage” in Innsbruck (2014).

A collection of their texts and works is published in “Modelli IaN+”  (LIBRIA Melfi 2010);  Cinque Studi, (Editrice Librerie Dedalo Roma 2000) and in “Odissea Digitale“(testo&immagine 2004);

They publish different monographs “IaN + Interferenze con il reale”  (Edilstampa 2004),  “Microinfrastructure” (Damdi Publisher Seoul, 2004) and in 2007 has been published the first Chinese monograph “IaN+ – New Ecologies” (AADCU Publication Bejing 2007)